Table of Contents
In English🔗
- official documentation includes a tutorial
- C.H. Swaroop A Byte of Python
- Al Sweigart Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
- Richard L. Halterman Fundamentals of Python Programming
- Charles R. Severance Python for Everybody
- Allen B. Downey Think Python
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Interactive Edition
- Doug Hellmann Python 3 Module of the Week
- Code Academy - Learn Python – interactive course
- – interactive tutorial
- Python 3 Tutorial
- Get into Python
- Harrison Kinsley – many tutorials
- SoloLearn: Learn to Code for Free - Android application
- quickcode - Python – a list of many other courses
- J. Finer How to Write Beautiful Python Code With PEP 8 - guidelines and best practices on how to write Python code
- P. V. Craven How to create a 2D game with Python and the Arcade library - introduction to Arcade game development library
- Code the Classics - book on (classic) games, with well-documented code, graphics, etc.
- Jure Å orn Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet
- Piotr Beling Computer Aided Calculations
In Polish🔗
- Python dla wszystkich – translation of Python for Everybody book
- Python 101
- Wstęp do Pythona – translation of A Byte of Python book
- Zanurkuj w Pythonie – translation of Dive Into Python book
- Grzegorz Jagiella Skrypt do wykładu Programowanie 2 (Python) – also about algorithms
- Piotr Maliński Podstawy Pythona
- – interactive tutorial
- Piotr Baja, videos: Python 3 and PyGame
- Dominik Kozaczko Ukąś Pythona – video
- Emil Kamiński, Adam Szummer Python Turtle (available also as videos): wstęp, wyścig żółwi, obsługa zdarzeń, Tic Tac Toe, czyli kółko i krzyżyk
- Emil Kamiński, Adam Szummer Python Pandas – MEGA tutorial
- Jacek Śmietański Programowanie w języku python
- Andrzej Klusiewicz Python na luzie
- Visualize Python – on-line tool which visualizes Python code execution
- Thonny – Python IDE for beginners; with special mode for Pygame Zero (very simple game engine)
- PyCharm – very good IDE (with free community edition)
- Visual Studio Code VSCode or VSCodium, with the python extension